Monday, February 19, 2024

Home Inspector Prep Book "How to Pass on Your First Try!" (Now Only $6.95)


Are you currently searching for Nation Home Inspector Exam?

How would you like to PASS the NHIE Exam on your first try?

You've come to the right place!

Our test prep Book has over 400 practice problems, Step-by-Step solutions, and is separated into 6 practice exams.  It's been on the market for 9 years and has sold over 125,000 copies. I am very gratitude to be able to help test takers prepare and pass this exam and move on with their careers.

The Book is also available on Amazon as well here on our website.

The Ebook on sale today for Only $6.95!   Purchase Here! 

​​​​​​​These questions keep appearing time and time again, learn them and pass the exam!


Passing the first time will save you money, time, and the stress of having to study again.  It will also give you confidence and prepare you for the exam.

With a little preparation and concentration, you can master questions and navigate your FE Exam with confidence.

Our Book is a Cult Classic - I say cult classic because it isn't your typical test prep book. Within the first few pages, you will be able to tell it's not written by your typical boring test prep company nor has any dumb-downed mainstream advice - such as "get a good night sleep" or "this is your first step to starting you exciting career!". 

It's straight to the point, down & dirty, and there's no bullsh$t. The advice and strategy are action packed - you can start today!  

You will pass the NHIE Exam, you just need At Bats.

Let me tell you a short story:

Back in 2000, when I was preparing for the NHIE Exam, I had trouble finding a good set of solved problems to help me study. Amazon was popular, but it wasn't like it is today.  

There weren't many resources to choose from. I basically just winged it. There definitely wasn't any kind of of prep book which explained strategy or what to expect on exam day. The NHIE Exam was a mystery.

The only resource I had were the textbooks from the home inspection course I was required to take. But it was a challenge trying to use all of the books when I was trying to study and carrying them around. It was miserable trying to use all these random resources. 

After I managed to pass the NHIE Exam, and then passed the Professional Engineering License Exams in both mechanical and civil engineering disciplines, and after I gained over 20 years of experience in the construction industry, I decided that wanted to give back to the community which helped me so much in my career.  

I wanted to share the knowledge I've accumulated over the years from the school of hard knocks - not from a comfortable college office chair. I wanted to create a one-stop-shop book which could be used to practice every type of question. A book they could pull up easily on their phone throughout the day in order to study or a simple 6 x 9 paperback book that could fit in their bag. 

I decided to write the BOOK I wish I had when I was preparing for the NHIE Exam. 

In addition to making it affordable, I wanted test takers to be able to use just one book in their preparations - as opposed to carrying around many different resources.  I also wanted to give down to earth, practical advice, tips/hints, and also include what I call the "Inner Game".  

Inner Game starts in your mind before you even go out into the world and take action. This is something I learned over years of playing organized sports and which I developed to use for test taking. Using my own advice, I become a Project Management Professional (PMP), passed the National Home Inspector Exam (NHIE), as well several International Code Council Exams (ICCEs).  

The goal was to distill all of the best advice, strategy, tactics, and motivation I learned in my life in order to develop one resource which someone could use to help them pass the NHIE Exam - a COMPLETE SYSTEM. 

I am happy to say I succeeded. It was a work-in-progress, it started out rough, but over the years, I am happy with the way the book turned out. We constantly update it with the exam changes each year. 

Everyday, we receive many emails with positive feedback and many "thank you's" from students who pass the NHIE Exam. It's overwhelming and I am grateful I am able to help. 

It provides a complete system of specific test taking strategies, tips, hints, and is separated into 5 practice exams. It’s an action-packed, no-nonsense approach. 

It’s a “must-have” for working professionals who have been out of the classroom or any recent graduate who wants to get this exam out of the way as quickly as possible without spending a ton of money.

There are many NHIE prep books and courses available – and some are VERY expensive! 

There’s no need to spend that kind of money when you already know everything on the NHIE Exam, you just need to be coached (we show you how) on what to study in order to weed out all the unnecessary things you learned in school, focus on the only topics that matter, and learn some tips and strategies that will tip the odds in your favor.

The Book is designed specially to teach you how to pass the NHIE exam. No more wasting time listening to boring out-of-touch professors. This book does not waste time on theory or obscure problems- which will only confuse you more, but instead, only contains practical questions and ones that are most likely to appear on the actual exam based on the percentages which are published by national board.

​For a special offer today, if you purchased the paperback on Amazon, just email us at in order to receive a Free EBook.


Are you ready to learn how to pass?

We look forward to hearing from you!

On Sale Today!        Only $6.95!





Sunday, February 18, 2024

Purchase the EBook, Paperback, and Video Course Here !

The EBook is currently on SALE NOW!  

Check Out:

1) Home Inspector "How to Pass on Your First Try!"  (EBook)   

$25.95     $6.95  

2) If you prefer a Paperback version, the book is now available on AMAZON 

As a Special Offer today, if you purchase the Paperback on Amazon, simply just EMAIL us to get a FREE EBook.  (Email is 

3) Video Course (2 Week Boot Camp) - (Includes a FREE Ebook).  
YouTube links will be shared. Never expires until you PASS!
$199.95     $49.95 

*Please Read Before Purchasing:
   The EBook is an internet download in PDF format.  You can view the PDF file on your desktop, phone, or tablet using your device's PDF reader (usually Adobe).  After purchasing, a sales representative will contact you shortly thereafter (usually within 1 hour) to send you the EBook.

 Your licensed E-Book PDF will be 'password' protected and also contain a watermark.   This watermark (containing your name and email address) serves as proof that you own the EBook and discourages piracy. If you don't want the watermark, we recommend that you purchase the soft-cover book version.

Friday, February 2, 2024

Home Inspector Exam Help!


Welcome back to the site! 

I want to talk to you about 5 key stages that you will go through when starting your Home Inspector EXAM journey. 

And this is true for any exam, business, or anything you do when you consider a new opportunity.

It's so very critical to understand this cycle of 5 stages if you really want an 

Advantage over the other test takers. 


Stage 1 is called “Uniformed Optimism”.

This is in the beginning whenever you start something new - you are so uniformed but you are very excited to start studying. 

Your'e excited about the idea of starting your own business and love the idea of being your own boss– it’s your turn now! 

You are so positive, so you start telling everyone and posting your new goal on social media. 

So, you purchase the books and dive in.


But then, quickly....


You arrive at Stage 2 called “Informed Pessimism”.

This is when you start to realize, after working a few problems, that this isn’t as EASY as what I originally thought. 

Wow, there’s a lot of information I’m not familiar with....

The exam has tons of information in it, too much to know in such short amount of time!

Wait, I know people who failed this exam, it doesn't seem that easy now.


After this realization hits you like a ton of bricks, you start having some self-doubt.  

Then you go into the next Stage.


Stage 3 “The Valley of Despair”.


This is the Stage where most people quit.


They simply think that they aren’t smart enough to pass this exam or it’s just not worth the effort.


You mean I have to study each and every day and really work at this?  There’s just so much to learn. As a result, they just quit. 

This cycle just keeps repeating over and over again and you never make progress.  


In this critical stage of despair, you realize wow there’s so many pieces to this I didn’t even know about. There's so many different variations to these questions that they can ask. I had no idea that the amount of information on this exam - no one can possible learn all that. 

Realize that most newbies simply quit at this point. The Crash and Burn is where they go next.

Everything just seems hopeless in this stage.  It sucks. What if I just quit? What will my friends and boss think? 


But if you realize that these feelings are normal and most people experience this too, and decide to keep on punching and plowing through- never giving up- you eventually reach the next Stage. 

Remember, you only have to pass one time - it doesn't matter how many times you failed before. Success requires hard work. 


Stage 4: Informed Optimism”.

This is when you realize that you are making some progress and wrapped your arms around this opportunity.  

You have some momentum behind you and by being committed to an actual study schedule, you start thinking passing this exam is now more attainable.  

You understand the math now and where you are heading. You know what it will take to get there.


 The final Stage (5) is “Achievement”.


This is when you actually accomplish what you set out to do.  Now, after you pass the Exam, you just need to reset your goal, a new target, starting your own business.

But now you will know about this cycle and that each phase is predicable. Don't let the valley of despair change your goal. 


And the KEY to this is that this cycle always comes into play in EVERYTHING you do in life !


Our goal is to help you become aware of this cycle and help compress the time it takes you to go through it ! 


Are you ready to start your journey? 

Home Inspector Exam Prep Book

Over the last 10 years, we've helped over 20,000 home inspectors just like you pass the NHIE Exam. 

Our Prep book contains over 350 question and has step by step solutions.

We also show you all the tricks and hints that give you a competitive edge over all the other test takers! 

Please email us: if you have any questions.

Enjoy the site, take a look around!

Home Inspector Prep Book "How to Pass on Your First Try!" (Now Only $6.95)

  Are you currently searching for Nation Home Inspector Exam? How would you like to  PASS  the NHIE  Exam on your first try ? You've com...